After hours, and hours, and hours of edits, Renaissance Men is proud to declare our debut record, RenMen Laments, complete!

Here is a shot of me, Will, and our executive producer Chris Sclafani in his studio in New York City last month, putting the final touches on what is a really impressive first effort for our ensemble. Christian Amonson, Washington D.C. based producer and owner of Arts Laureate, was a mastermind at mastering and last-minute touch ups. We are now in the process of shopping it around to record labels and exploring the option of releasing on our own. Either way, we hope that very, very soon, your copy of RenMen Laments will be in your hands. We will keep you posted about the progress we make on this as it happens.
We are so grateful for all of your support, and so excited to see what the next chapter holds for RenMen Laments and for our activities to come! <3